Museum Name - Subjects
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Thornhill Golf Club



59 Related Objects

Friday, November 26, 2004 (25).jpg
7934 Yonge St. [1969]. Home built for Mrs. L. G. Langstaff c.1918. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, July 09, 2004 (70).jpg
8000 Yonge St. [1969]. Built for Rev. George Mortimer in 1834. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, July 09, 2004 (72).jpg
8000 Yonge St. [1970]. Built for Rev. George Mortimer in 1834. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (30).jpg
Benjamin Thorne, copy of drawing [n.d.].

Friday, November 26, 2004 (3).jpg
Ed Jackson family boating on lake in the valley [c.1915]. Photographer-- unknown.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (12).jpg
Foot bridge on Thornhill Golf Course [1942]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (2).jpg
Hawthorne Mineral Springs, now part of Thornhill Golf Club [c.1915]. Photographer-- unknown.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (37).jpg
Looking south on Yonge St. from the entrance to Thornhill Golf Club [Nov. 1969]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (20).jpg
Looking west along Mill St. to the Thornhill Golf Course [Nov. 1969]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (22).jpg
Members of the Wade family by their home at 7946 Yonge St. [1944]. Photographer-- unknown.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (28).jpg
Mineral Spring Park pleasure lake [prior to 1915]. Photographer-- unknown.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (38).jpg
Original Thornhill Golf Clubhouse [n.d.]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver?

Monday, August 16, 2004 (31).jpg
Part of the dam in the valley which later became Thornhill Golf Club [c.1916]. Photographer-- unknown.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (40).jpg
Sign in front of Thornhill Golf Club in 75th anniversary year [1997]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (32).jpg
The Don valley west of Yonge St. [n.d.]. Photographer-- unknown.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (25).jpg
The Mineral Spring Park [c.1900]. Photographer-- unknown.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (27).jpg
The Mineral Springs Park [n.d.]. Photographer-- unknown.

Monday, August 16, 2004 (26).jpg
The Mineral Springs Park [n.d.]. Photographer-- unknown.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (49).jpg
The Thornhill Golf Clubhouse rebuilt after the fire of December, 1971[n.d.]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 (8).jpg
The former Rankin farmhouse on the Thornhill Golf Course [1969]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (48).jpg
The second Thornhill Golf Clubhouse built in 1963 [n.d.]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, July 09, 2004 (69).jpg
Thornhill Golf Clubhouse [1940's]. Built in 1830 for Benjamin Thorne. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, November 26, 2004 (29).jpg
Thornhill Golf Clubhouse [c.1949]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

05-05-2004 (47)05.jpg
Thornhill scrapbook -- Creator(s) uncertain. [c.1920 - c.1954] - p.05 (Thornhill early history)

05-05-2004 (47)13.jpg
Thornhill scrapbook -- Creator(s) uncertain. [c.1920 - c.1954] - p.12 (Thorne and Parsons families)

05-05-2004 (47)48.jpg
Thornhill scrapbook -- Creator(s) uncertain. [c.1920 - c.1954] - p.34 (Recollections of Thornhill pioneer era)

west 2 (072).jpg
p. 072 - Rankin Farmhouse - (photos).

west 2 (073).jpg
p. 073 - Rankin Farmhouse - (notes by Laura Weaver).

west 2 (079).jpg
p. 079 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.1).

west 2 (081).jpg
p. 081 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.3).

west 2 (082).jpg
p. 082 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (photos).

Mill (086).jpg
p. 086 - Mill cottage / Jackson home - 15 Mill St. - (article).

west 2 (086).jpg
p. 086 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (articles, pt.4).

east 2 (087).jpg
p. 087 - Ladies' Golf Club of Toronto - Lot 31, Con. 1 Mk. (article).

west 2 (087).jpg
p. 087 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (articles, pt.4).

west 2 (088).jpg
p. 088 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (articles).

west 2 (090).jpg
p. 090 - Mineral Springs Property - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (photo).

west 2 (093).jpg
p. 093 - 7946 Yonge St., Henderson home - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (notes by Laura Weaver).

west 2 (096).jpg
p. 096 - 7934 Yonge St., Mrs. L. G. Langstaff home - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (photos).

west 2 (097).jpg
p. 097 - 7934 Yonge St., Mrs. L. G. Langstaff home - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (notes by Laura Weaver).

west 2 (098).jpg
p. 098 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (photos).

west 1 (099).jpg
p. 099 - Archibald Gallanough / Dr. Johns home - 7636 Yonge St. (articles).

west 2 (099).jpg
p. 099 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.1).

west 2 (100).jpg
p. 100 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.2).

west 2 (103).jpg
p. 103 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (article).

west 2 (105).jpg
p. 105 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (photos).

west 2 (107).jpg
p. 107 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (articles).

west 2 (108).jpg
p. 108 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (photos).

west 2 (109).jpg
p. 109 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (article and document).

west 2 (110).jpg
p. 110 - Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (document, pt.1).

west 2 (111).jpg
p. 111 - Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (document, pt.2).

west 2 (113).jpg
p. 113 - Thorne house / Mineral Springs residence / Thornhill Golf Clubhouse (document).

west 2 (115).jpg
p. 115 - 8000 Yonge St. - Mortimer / Ball house (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.1).

west 2 (119).jpg
p. 119 - 8000 Yonge St. - Mortimer / Ball house (photos and articles).

west 2 (128).jpg
p. 128 - (Holy) Trinity Anglican Church - Lot 32, Con. 1 Vau. (photos and articles).

east 2 (153).jpg
p. 153 - William Parsons house and store - Lot 33, Con. 1 Mk. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.4).

east 2 (154).jpg
p. 154 - William Parsons house and store - Lot 33, Con. 1 Mk. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.5).

east 2 (164).jpg
p. 164 - William Parsons house and store - Lot 33, Con. 1 Mk. (articles).

04-23-2004 (2)21.jpg
p.58 "Thornhill Honour Roll and Scrapbook - Second World War, 1939-45", (Thornhill Red Cross 1944, 45 & 46), Compiled by Doris M. FitzGerald [c.1947].

Viewing Record 1 of 1