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Instructions for Tweedsmuir History
Markham Tweedsmuir History (Text Only)
P.50 Life at Markham Highschool from 1896-1901 by Dr. E.C. Reynolds, July 1953
p.01 Foreword
p.02 Picture of the King and Queen from T. Eaton Co., 1939
p.03 Picture of Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless
p.04 Lady Tweedsmuir Bids Farewell
p.04b Postcards of Braeside and of Rouge Valley
p.05 History of W.I. in Markham
p.06 History of W.I. in Markham
p.07 History of W.I. in Markham
p.08 List of Presidents & Secretaries of WI
p.09 41st Anniversary write up
p.11b An oak tree is planted in Rose Gardens
p.12 War; poetry by Henry Newbolt; art by Barbara Bonisteel
p.13 Honor Roll 1939-1945
p.14 Honor Roll 1939-1945 continued
p.15 Honor Roll 1939-1945 continued
p.16 Markham Village History
p.16b Postcards of Milne's Sundial & Reesor's Dam (dates unknown)
p.17 Markham Village History continued
p.17b postcards of Vinegar Hill & of iron bridge in Markham (dates unknown)
p.18 Markham, Yesterday and To-day
p.18b postcards Markham Main St. (unknown date)
p.19 postcards Main Street Markham (unknown dates)
p.20 postcard of Mr. Powney on Main Street Markham
p.21 GrandTrunkRailway
p.22 History of Markham
p.22 History of Markham cont.
p.22 History of Markham continued
p.23 Among the Churches
p.23b postcards of Methodist Church, Markham
p.24 The United Church
p.24b postcard and photos of churches
p.25 The Anglican Church
p.26 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
p.27 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
p.28 Mount Joy Mennonite Church
p.29 Early Pioneers
p.29b The Village Park
p.30 Early Pioneer Families
p.30b Women's Institute group photos 1953
p.31 Early Pioneer Families
p.31b Dr. Browning obituary
p.32 Dr. MacDonald obituary
p.33 The Milne Family
p.33b Markham Women's Institute present "The Temple of Fame
p.34 The Morgan Family
p.34b John Hardy obituary
p.35 Main St. Mount Joy
p.35b Photos of Markhkam, 1954
p.36 The Crosby Family History
p.37 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reesor Diamond Wedding Anniversary
p.38 Some Pioneer Families
p.39 Prominent People: Dr. E.L. Pidgeon and Dr. Lloyd Pidgeon
p.40 Professor Gerald S. Graham and Dr. Wallace Graham
p.41 Hartman Jones and James Ley
p.42 Industries (title page)
p.42b Postcards of Speight Wagon Works
p.43 The Speight Wagon Works
p.43b Markham Maple Leaf Mill product samples
p.44 The Woollen Mill, Carpet Factory and Shoe Factory
p.45 Public Buildings/Institutions (title page)
p.46 The Markham Public Library
p.47 Markham Post Office
p.48 Markham Public School, 1953
p.49 Markham High School
p.50b Life at Markham High School, pages 3 and 4
p.51 The Markham Economist and Sun
p.52 Cancer Hospital
p.53 Town Water Supply
p.54 Markham Fair
p.55 Sports (title page)
p.56 Lacrosse
p.57 Photograph of Young's Markham Aces, c. 1951-1952
p.57b Markham Hockey Club and Markham Intermediates, O.H.A.
p.58 Markham Juvenile Hockey Club
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