Museum Name - Subjects
Viewing Record 1 of 1 

Sterling Bank of Canada



22 Related Objects

Friday, July 30, 2004.jpg
Canadian Bank of Commerce on the n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre St. [1965]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Friday, July 30, 2004 (19).jpg
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at n.e. corner of Yonge and Summit Dr. [1976]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Thursday, December 09, 2004.jpg
Looking north on Yonge St. towards the n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. [c.1908]. Photographer-- unknown.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 (9).jpg
Sterling Bank of Canada at the n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre St. [1920's]. Photographer-- Alexander Galbraith.

Monday, November 15, 2004 (6).jpg
The Canadian Bank of Commerce on the n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. [1965]. Photographer-- Alf Weaver.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 (8).jpg
The n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre St. [c.1908]. Photographer-- Unknown.

Monday, November 15, 2004 (5).jpg
The n.w. corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. [c.1920]. Photographer-- Alexander Galbraith.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 (5).jpg
Thornhill Boys Hockey Team [c.1920] Photographer-- Alexander Galbraith.

west 2 (001).jpg
p. 001 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. - Lot 31, Con. 1 Vau. (photo)

west 2 (002).jpg
p. 002 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.1)

west 2 (003).jpg
p. 003 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (photos)

west 2 (004).jpg
p. 004 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.2).

west 2 (005).jpg
p. 005 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.3).

west 2 (006).jpg
p. 006 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (articles).

west 2 (007).jpg
p. 007 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (articles).

west 2 (009).jpg
p. 009 - North - west corner of Yonge & Centre Sts. (articles).

west 2 (010).jpg
p. 010 - Herb Hooper's House - Lot 31, Con. 1 Vau. (photos).

west 1 (052).jpg
p. 052 - Robert J. Arnold house - Lot 29, Con. 1 Vau. (articles).

east 2 (121).jpg
p. 121 - 7967 Yonge St. - Heslop home - Lot 32, Con. 1 Mk. (notes by Laura Weaver).

east 2 (122).jpg
p. 122 - 7967 Yonge St. - Heslop home - Lot 32, Con. 1 Mk. (articles).

west 1 (152).jpg
p. 152 - Francis Block - Lot 30, Con. 1 Vau. (notes by Laura Weaver, pt.3).

west 1 (153).jpg
p. 153 - Francis Block - Lot 30, Con. 1 Vau. (articles).

Viewing Record 1 of 1